Well this is as far as I have gotten with dropping in the flats, forgot to do the original Rainbow Dash's cutie mark but I will save that for tomorrow but I figured people might want to see how it is coming along. I will more then likely only post one more Work in Progress pic after this one before finishing it off. The original Rainbow Dash still needs a lot more touch ups yet and some tail tweaking since I think I will go based off of the toy for tail color so the pink will be removed from the tail to leave only the blue and purple behind.

The original Rainbow Dash still needs a lot more touch ups yet and some tail tweaking since I think I will go based off of the toy for tail color so the pink will be removed from the tail to leave only the blue and purple behind.
This is soooo cool. I can not wait to see the final outcome of it. I love the original Rainbow Dash... she just has this soft look about her. And the newest version is such a kick butt flier it isn't even funny.