Monday, September 26, 2011

Getting there... onto the background

Well here we are with the final colors for Rainbow Dash and well... Rainbow Dash. I like the way that it looks at this point had a bit of fussing to do with it to get some of the highlights to work. They still may need some tweaking after the background goes it.

I think that the background for this will be a meadow scene since it seems fitting enough. I will have to be a bit creative for some of the other ponies that I will be doing. I may do random pictures with the Old and New ponies together on occasions but not certain at this point. I have ideas already for the Pinkie Pie piece and for the Applejack piece.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Update: Rainbow Dash meets Rainbow Dash

Well this is as far as I have gotten with dropping in the flats, forgot to do the original Rainbow Dash's cutie mark but I will save that for tomorrow but I figured people might want to see how it is coming along. I will more then likely only post one more Work in Progress pic after this one before finishing it off. The original Rainbow Dash still needs a lot more touch ups yet and some tail tweaking since I think I will go based off of the toy for tail color so the pink will be removed from the tail to leave only the blue and purple behind.

The original Rainbow Dash still needs a lot more touch ups yet and some tail tweaking since I think I will go based off of the toy for tail color so the pink will be removed from the tail to leave only the blue and purple behind.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rainbow Dash meets Rainbow Dash

This is a random idea that I got once while I had the urge to dig around on the net to look at different at My Little Ponies from my childhood and to see how the toys changed over the years. Now with the coming of the new My Little Ponies: Friendship is Magic series their is a pegasus pony named Rainbow Dash. Well looking through pony figures from the early 2000s and low and behold I found the original Rainbow Dash who was in fact not a pegasus. So I got a crazy idea that I finally got down on paper and here it is.

Rainbow Dash meets Rainbow Dash, now not quite sure how well this would work out, they would either love each other or hate each other. I'm thinking I may do this for all of the main ponies that are seen in Friendship is Magic if they had a prior incarnation. Eventually I will drop some color into this. If I get a chance I may put flats into this tomorrow and I'll post it here.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Here is the infamous Jezna'saul, well infamous in the story that he is in at least. He has been a tough character for me to try and get an accurate drawing done of him.

So here he is in all his glory so far, well at least a head shot of him anyways. I like how it has progressed this far. Not quite sure how I'm going to handle the highlighting fully yet I will leave that for a later date.

He is one of those characters that was suppose to be a throw away and turned into something completely different and I love him for that. He's complicated, intriguing, contains a bit of mystery, and can be down right brutal. He does have a high sense of honor, though it is his code of honor that he lives by so to many it is misguided, that is to both friend and foe alike.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Myst Lumen: Now with pictures

Well here is the scan of the Myst Lumen that I had mentioned in my previous entry. Pardon the bad scan quality it was done through MS Paint since I don't have photoshop on the laptop just yet. Once I have time to sit down and do a proper scan on my desktop I shall. But with out further adiou here it is.

Quite a fun an interesting beastie I do believe. I will have to ink this one sometime next week.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Myst Lumen

Well figured I would make a little post here to say that I really have been doodling from time to time. Just finished a completed sketch of a newer creature for the world of Solaetyr, a world that I commonly refer to as Ashi's world. Hopefully I will get a chance to scan it before heading to Wheatie and I will post it here when I do.